Pine County Warrants and Arrest Records Search

Minnesota Arrest Records and Warrant Search

Please fill in the form below to begin your Minnesota criminal records search

By searching you certify that you are above 18 years of age

Although there is no online arrest warrants search in Pine County, MN, there is a direct phone line to check the status of active warrants and get information about when you may appear in court to answer for the warrant. The courthouse is located at 635 Northridge Drive NW, Pine City, MN 55063, and the Court Administration, where they have information on active warrants, is located in suite 320 of that building.

If you have questions about the court process after you are arrested or turn yourself in, the Pine County Attorney’s website has a frequently asked questions section that details the process until sentencing.

Arrest warrants are issued for serious felonies as well as unpaid traffic tickets. Violating probation, failing to appear in court, or being suspected of a crime can all get arrest warrants issued for you. Arrests can result from outstanding warrants or if an officer sees you committing a crime.

The police can initiate a warrant if you are implicated in a crime, and the police have sufficient evidence to convince a judge to sign it. A judge cannot sign the warrant based on the officer’s “hunch.”Arrest warrants in Pine County must adhere to the same standards as warrants across the country. A minimum amount of evidence is required to protect the rights of the accused.

Arrest records are available for a small fee, and you must submit this form can mail it to suite 100 at the above address.


How do you inquire about active warrants and recent arrests from Pine County over the phone? (2021-current)

  • Recent arrests: Pine County Jail- (320)629-8400
  • Inmate records, including records of arrests, release and probation/parole- (320) 591-1448.
  • Arrest Records/Incident Reports/Accident Reports: Records Division- (320) 629-8380.
  • General information: Sheriff’s toll-free phone number- (800) 450-3930
  • Details pertaining to a criminal investigation- (320) 629-8389
  • Victim support and information: Pine County Attorney’s Office- (320) 591-1560
  • Criminal case records: Clerk of Court- (320) 591-1500.


Crime statistics of Pine County

Almost 7010 criminal complaints were filed by the Pine Sheriff’s Department in 2019, compared to the 455 crimes reported in 2018. The figure included 563 property offenses and 138 crimes against people. The following crimes were reported:

  • 374 larceny thefts
  • 126 burglaries
  • 63 motor vehicle thefts
  • 93 aggravated assaults
  • 42 rapes, and
  • 3 robberies

Unfortunately, crime statistics are only available for 2004, 2006, and 2008. It is difficult to see a trend over non-consecutive years, but it appeared that crime was steadily declining during those years.