Carlton County Warrants and Arrest Records Search

Minnesota Arrest Records and Warrant Search

Please fill in the form below to begin your Minnesota criminal records search

By searching you certify that you are above 18 years of age

If you think you might have an outstanding warrant in Carlton County, you will have to call the sheriff’s department because there is no online arrest warrants search in Carlton County, MN. The sheriff’s office is located at 317 Walnut Avenue in Carlton. The website does not offer any information regarding active warrants or turning yourself in. One phone call to the above phone number will most likely alert you to the existence of an arrest warrant in your name and tell you what steps you must take to turn yourself in. Many warrants can be satisfied without spending time in the county jail. Arrest records can be obtained in Carlton County by sending a fax to 218-384-9183. “The request must have the full name and date of birth of the individual the public information is requested upon.”

Warrants in Carlton County, Minnesota, are issued for the same reasons that every police or sheriff’s department issues warrants. Missed court dates, probation violations, and police suspicions are the most common reasons for warrants. Police take the warrant to a judge for approval when they believe you have committed a crime but did not actually witness it. The police must present the judge with evidence that would bring a reasonable person to conclude that you deserve to be charged with the crime. Whether you turn yourself in or an officer arrests you, you will soon face a judge to answer for the accusation. There you have the choice to plead “guilty” and accept your punishment or “not guilty” and force the Carlton County prosecutor to prove his case.


If you need information on Carlton County recent arrests and warrants, whom should you call? (In 2021)

  • 218-384-4560 -Call for information about recent arrests.
  • 218-384-9170 -Call for victim’s assistance.
  • 218-384-3236 -Call for details on warrants.
  • 218-673-5065 or 651-435-6535 -Call for initiating a search for judicial records.


Crime statistics of Carlton County

The criminal complaints handled by Carlton County Sheriff’s Department increased by 9% in 2019 as compared to the prior year. In contrast, to the annual average of 160 events in 2018, around 180 cases were reported in 2019. Over 165 of the complaints were for property offenses, while over 10 were for violent crimes.

Although the 10 years between 1999 and 2007 show a slowly rising crime rate, a spike in crime complaints in 2008 led to the 54% jump in crime.